Not Your Regular Coach Podcast

Eating disorder recovery podcast, with a twist. Join Shelbye as she lives through life as an eating disorder recovery coach, life coach and just another girl trying to navigate life. This podcast will include episodes on lived ED experience and coaching, interviews with other professionals, and just a few crazy life episodes because, what is life if you can’t question your existence while finding humor along the way.

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FBT: Love or Hate?

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

If you know you know… family based therapy. It’s common practice in ED recovery for people under 21. If you don’t know what it is, you’ll find out. And if you do… we hope you made it out alive. Shelbye talks to Tessa, a former FBT queen about the experience. All jokes aside, and all horror stories aside— let it be known that this type of therapy DOES work for some and that shouldn’t be discredited. Listen at your own risk :) 


Monday Mar 11, 2024

Monday Mar 11, 2024

This week, we are joined with Mandy Liddle— host of Mandy’s Mind podcast. Mandy gets real on her experience with disordered eating and her recovery journey as well as having to watch her mother from a young age struggle with an ED. As most of us do, she learned a ton about relationships and healthy boundaries through it all. Let’s talk about it— what are boundaries and why do we need them? And why are they so damn hard?

Sunday Feb 25, 2024

Another case of live in gone rogue. Shelbye and Avery recap their… interesting experience in Chicago together. Join in the discussion of healing through trauma, recovering into what society deems as a “bigger body” (and all the stupid shit that comes with it) and finding peace with yourself, even if you never believed that recovery was possible for you.

Saturday Feb 10, 2024

This is a little bonus weekend treat… Shelbye and Tyler have an announcement. Shelbye has basically living a secret life for the last three months… and it’s time to talk about it. If you think you know, there’s more that you don’t. Stay tuned until the end for a little extra surprise. We will be over here wondering if this is real life— enjoy!

Monday Feb 05, 2024

Today Shelbye speaks with Meg Ronnie (aka @_thewellness diaries on TikTok). Meg gives us a super interesting take on treatment outside of the United States along with the stereotypes that we all face across the world having to do with who “deserves” treatment. Listen as the two debunk these problematic assumptions as well as shed some light on the decision to recover after yo-yo-ing for so long. 

Monday Jan 22, 2024

Join Shelbye and this weeks guest, Yael, as they discuss ALL of the things. From living in Turkey to going to school in the states, the differences in culture regarding not only body image but also with judgement around sexual orientation, the human need for social interaction and how an eating disorder can get in the way (and how to start to live your life again). A little of everything in this episode!

Sunday Jan 07, 2024

Join me today as I speak with Robyn Goldberg, registered dietitian, author and podcast host of “The Eating Disorder Trap.” Robyn has spent the last 26 years developing her private practice in Los Angeles, CA, where she specializes in medical conditions, eating disorders, Health at Every Size, pre-pregnancy nutrition, and people in recovery.
In this episode, the two discuss different approaches to healing in recovery, intuitive eating versus meal plans, treatment versus outpatient nutrition and why not all dietitians have to be scary. She’s not regular, she’s cool.

Sunday Dec 24, 2023

Logan has left LA. She’s back in Florida as a solo girl— for the first time ever in her life. Whether you’re going to college or moving out— being on your own can be really… interesting. In this episode, the sisters reflect on “lessons learned” this fall, dating apps, what Logan learned about Shelbye’s job, and how buying a trash can on your own can be really expensive

Monday Dec 11, 2023

Sometimes it can feel hopeless when you are embarking on the journey to recovery. Shelbye talks today with Megan, who went from being told that she would never recover to eating In n Out burger six months later. The girls touch on finding motivation, the need for more treatment resources in more rural areas and more. Listen for the the raw discussion on how recovery can look different for everyone


Sunday Nov 26, 2023

Sunday Nov 26, 2023

Join Shelbye this week as she interviews one of her previous clients. This one was really close to heart as Lucia was one of Shelbye’s first. Through the absolute ups and downs, and after years of convincing everyone that she didn’t want to and would never recover from her eating disorder— she did. Her story is INCREDIBLE and inspiring to anyone, especially anyone who feels hopeless. It doesn’t matter how much your eating disorder takes over your life or makes you feel like you can never get out. You can. And you won’t believe that you can until you do it. So here’s some real, kind of cringey recovery bullshit. But I promise you, it is worth it.


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